Wednesday, April 10, 2013

the last of the snowy pictures // some news

 sweater: thrifted, jeans: gap, booties: Santa; Christmas, hat: gift from my brother; Christmas

yes i realize i have posted like a dozen posts of me in the snow. but these are the last of the snow pictures! which is a good thing. since it is now April.

so i have some news

mom and i went to Primary Children's Hospital up in Salt Lake on Monday morning, because unfortunately, i am STILL HAVING TAILBONE PAIN. {that's how mad i am about it...} i have been through so much in the past 3 years

1. a fractured tailbone from a trampoline accident
2. tailbone grows into a hook
3. remove the tailbone *surgery 1
4. recovery
5. tailbone grows back into bone spur
6. remove the bone spur *surgery 2
7. recovery
8. can't sit in school, or church, or movies, or anywhere, AGAIN
9. tailbone has grown back
10. doctors appointment number 24843638

at Primary Children's, we saw a new doctor. my mom wanted a 2nd opinion. he was very nice, and very smart {well, he is a doctor.} but he suggested a 3rd tailbone surgery.

i'm definitely upset that i have to get another surgery. i have been through so much with my tailbone and i just want it to be over. i want to be able to sit through an entire movie again without having to adjust how i am sitting every 10 minutes. i want to be able to make it through a class period without having to take a walk half-way through. i wish i could sit like everyone else! i wish i could sit on cement. 

Dr. said this should be the last surgery, and because it has been 2 years since i had my last one, i am not growing anymore, so the tailbone shouldn't grow back. i surely hope that's true!

surgery is scheduled for July 12, 2013. i'll get it over with in the summer so i can head to BYU with *hopefully* the ability to sit through my classes! 

let's hope July 12 brings me the luck of a new bum.


  1. Oh no! Hope it goes great! (I'm sure it will!)

  2. You look so pretty, I love the different shades of your hair!

    Sparkles and Shoes
