Thursday, August 9, 2012

something must be said

Dear haters of my blog,

So, I get a lot of crap about my blog, and I usually just ignore it all, but I feel like something should be said here. This is not to anybody specifically, but it's to all those people who I thought were my friends, that actually just bash on my little hobby of blogging. 

First of all, this is MY blog. I can choose what I would like here on my blog. I can choose how I post, when I post, and WHAT I post, and frankly, I could care less what you think of it, but please stop being so judge mental about it. It's not your blog!

Secondly, if you do not like my blog, nobody is forcing you to read it. You don't like what I post or say? Okay cool! So don't read it? There is no need to tell the world how "obsessed I am with myself," or how "stupid I am for blogging." I don't know what makes you say these things people, but I seriously do not care anymore. Don't like my blog? Good for you! But there is no need to spread the negativity about it.

I could care less what anybody says about my blog, I blog for myself. I blog as an online journal of memories so one day I can look back on them. I don't care if you don't like what I say or post on here, because I never said you have to read it, and I am not going to stop blogging because you specifically don't like it. In case you people haven't realized, there are actually people that DO like this blog, and they read it enjoying it. If that's not you that's fine!

If you have something mean to say about my blog, please keep it to yourself. Thanks! :)


  1. for the record, I LOVE your blog! :) don't you ever stop blogging or I'll have no one to blog stalk!! :)

    1. thank you maddie! thank you for stalking me ;)

  2. I second loving your blog! Don't let the haters get to ya ... just do your thing and your true readers will love you for it. :)

  3. One other thing, if you quit blogging your Aunt LauraLee will come after you and we all know where that leads. Guess you have no choice, KEEP BLOGGING!
    Love you-

    1. you know i will never quit ;) love you so much!

  4. Ah, ignore them. Those people are jealous, and they will continue to read your blog and wish they were brave enough to have one for themselves. Nothing is wrong with blogging, it can be a real blessing to go back and see how you have grown. There are my two cents! Keep on writing dear.

  5. Don't EVER EVER EVER change who you are. You are one of a kind and that is exactly how I like you :)

  6. Well hot dang i just found your blog and i'm in love!

  7. Hey Keen! I want you to know that I LOVE your blog. You know, this one, with "Keena" in the title? And that's exactly what it should be about. Do you know how jealous I am of you that you will have this super fun record, complete with photos and details, of your high school (and more) years? I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to have that to look back and read and remember and share with my kids. Keep it up - you are beautiful inside and out and I love ya!

    1. thanks michelle!! :) you are the best! i love you so much!!
