we saw so many miracles this week! it has been amazing. this week i realized the importance of using the Book of Mormon to help people come unto Christ. there is POWER in that book. i know its true, i know it was translated by a prophet of God, Joseph Smith. it is so special to me and i want it to bless others lives like its blessed mine. i know it's TRUE!!! and we are beginning to see lots of miracles by reading from it with those we teach.
Jose, our progressing investigator, is doing so awesome. please pray for him! he has the desire to be baptized but doesn't feel ready yet. he is incredible. he is so prepared and he is accepting everything! he has his doubts and questions and easily gets very distracted when we teach him.... also he is trying to learn english (so every lesson he'll say "como se dice... " (how do you say) to everything hahaha) but the spirit is so real and strong when we teach him. in God's time he will enter in the waters of baptism <3 u="">3>
here's a great story. so 2 weeks ago we called a potential named Juan to come to Church. his best friend is a member and he ended up coming! we have been calling him all week to try and set up an appointment, and after a really rude text sent back, we decided to stop contacting him. all the sudden we walk into church yesterday and he is sitting there with his Book of Mormon in his hands with the member friend... we were like WHAT THE? haha come to find out.... we've been contacting the wrong Juan. #spanishnames. He is awesome though! :)
last night we knocked on a random door, the man happened to be Spanish (super rare....) and he agreed to let us come in. all the sudden his dad is there... who is a less active member! (holy miracle!) we had a lesson with him, his name is Arnold. he is so Christlike and loving and the spirit filled the room as we shared Mosiah 18:9 with him. his son also agreed to have us come back! we also stopped by another less active last night... definitely revelation since she needed our visit so badly. YAY FOR MIRACLES!
the work is amazing here, i am learning, growing, and changing so much. i feel so blessed to be here in the work of the Lord. its real and true and SO happy!