* quote from my hero! *
I have been hoping and praying all summer long that I could find myself a perfect CNA job while I am in school at BYU this fall. I have had the positive thought in my head ever since I got my CNA that I will find a job I love! as I mentioned here I applied for a job at the hospital on Saturday. I could totally still wait to see if I got that job, but something even B E T T E R happened yesterday.
I am somehow, in this amazing life, blessed with lots of people with connections. one of my young women leaders happens to work in the student health center down at BYU, and was able to get me an interview with the boss there. they hire CNA's to help with orientations, clinical work, and lots of other things that are A MILLION TIMES BETTER than working in a "rest home" {not that I don't love helping the elderly, that's just not the reason I became a CNA.}
anyways, i g o t t h e j o b !!
I walked out of the BYU student health center yesterday afternoon with the biggest smile on my face! I can't even believe it. my first job as a nurse's assistant. AND, the best part is, it is right down the street {literally, not even a block!} from where I will be living this fall!
I start tomorrow morning, 9:00. my scrubs and I are giddy! could life get any more perfect? feeling very blessed.