/// i don't really like getting into the mushy mushy stuff about my love life because i feel like it's personal and my own feelings that i don't feel like pronouncing to a million people all over the internet. but as Tyler is leaving for his mission soon, i feel like sharing a bit more than i normally would... read if you please \\\
Tyler leaves October 30. today is September 30, which makes 1 more month we have together. 1 more month with my love until he serves the Lord for 2 years. we've become best friends and inseparable over the past 5 months, and it's hard to even fathom what 2 years without seeing each other will be like. it will be hard. and i know there will be times where i hate it more than anything and would KILL to see Tyler. but i am nothing but supportive of Tyler going on a mission, because i WANT him to serve, and i know he will do an amazing job. i couldn't be prouder!
1 more month, until 2 years apart. let's make it the best.